Welcome to Last Resort - A Imaginative Journey to Year 2500.


Nature did not destroy itself; we humans did. 
During the last 400 years, the issue of global warming has continued to worsen. To build the tallest skyscraper, and to hone the most efficient technology, we burnt almost all the fuel and natural gas resources that the earth had to offer. 
While greenhouse gases keep accumulating, the climate becomes insufferable. The sea level kept rising as predicted, and people are forced to migrate to submarine spaces.
Meanwhile, more than a hundred cases of natural disasters of unprecedented scales happen every week, until a world-wide earthquake in 2450 wiped out a hundred and fifty countries-- where no building is left, no life detected.
You are invited into the world in 2500 of 30,000 survivors -- citizens of 50 countries. We are searching for meanings of and ways to escape.
Feel free to explore the space with WASD keys and your mouse.

What inspire the project?

As extreme weathers have become much more frequent and natural disasters and viral crises frequent our world, I become deeply concerned with the human-environmental relationship.
Below displayed are graphs --from NOAA and Berkley Earth Institution -- that has been my critical inspirations for this project. The statistics presented in the graphs are daunting and truth revealing-- our earth has continued to undergo global warming.
The research on environmental threats led me to more discoveries that go beyond global warming. We are facing a long list of environmental challenges that include but do not limit to: plastic pollution, natural resource depletion,...

While the world is rapidly developing, it is perhaps imperative to ask: What does development mean? What kind of civilization are we heading to as a human collective? what narrative are we leaving to our descendants?

Graph sources:
Berkley Earth  Global Temperature Report for 2020
NOAA Climate.gov